ART History | In-Person Tour of the Louis Armstrong House Museum & Archives

FREE Tour of the Louis Armstrong House Museum & Archives

The Historic House Tour explores Louis Armstrong’s years in the house with his wife Lucille, who purchased the home in 1943. The tour is accompanied by a selection of the more than 750 original recordings that are part of the Louis Armstrong Collection, created by him between 1950-70 on reel-to-reel tapes. Glimpses of the social context, their original belongings, archival photos, and details about the Armstrongs’ daily life are present in the guided tour. The Director of the Archives, Ricky Riccardi, will also be present to discuss and answer any questions about the collection.

When: Saturday, June 15, 2024 11:15 AM, EDT
Where: Louis Armstrong House Museum, 34-56 107th St, Queens, NY 11368

(Tour begins promptly at 11:30 AM)

Capacity: 28

Admission: Free! (Open to A.R.T. Members & Non-Members)

Event is Sponsored By

Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York

Cover Photo Reference: Photo of Louis Armstrong from the New York Sunday News. Date is at upper left corner of uncropped photo. Date 10 August 1947, Published in the New York Sunday News. There’s no evidence that copyright continues to be claimed on this material.

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