ART Winner | Associate Director of Art Library Deco, Wins Society of American Archivists Writing Award

The Ernst Posner Award

Our Associate Director and Deputy Curator Dana Reijerkerk won the Society of American Archivists Fellows’ Ernst Posner Award for her article titled “Archives, Decolonization, and the Politics of Tribal Sovereignty: An Examination of Accessibility Barriers to Indigenous Federal Recognition Research in the United States”  published in December 2023 in The American Archivist.

The Society of American Archivists (SAA) is the oldest and largest leading professional organization for archives and archivists in North America. The Fellows’ Ernst Posner Award recognizes “an outstanding essay dealing with some facet of archival administration, history, theory, and/or methodology that was published during the preceding year in The American Archivist.” Award recipients receive a certificate and $500 cash prize and are honored at the annual  conference.

Image Cover: Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Washington, DC.

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